The achieved victory, in turn, will have an impact on future battles between the two factions, although there’s not much information regarding that at the moment. You’ll battle your way across massive maps with various objectives, which – once captured – will directly influence the course of the battle. The game supports a high player count with up to 80 participants divided into two huge teams. The game obviously explores an alternative course of events in the world history putting the forces of NATO against the countries of the Warsaw Pact in open military confrontations. This is about to change soon, as the newest title from Antimatter Games is a Cold War tactical shooter titled ’83. There were plenty of games dedicated to Vietnam, whereas the period of the Cold War hasn’t received enough attention yet. The developers of highly popular (among hardcore FPS fans) Rising Storm 2: Vietnam from Antimatter Games have announced a nice departure from the mildly tiring era of one of the most known war conflicts of the previous century.